Can I help you?

I’m Neil, a Baptist Minister with two decades of experience leading churches (including 11 years as Senior Minister for Poynton Baptist Church). In recent years I’ve been heavily involved in global mission, first spending time in Peru where I helped develop a training course for Amazonian Church Leaders and then a couple of years as the Team Leader / CEO for Latin Link in Britain and Ireland. I regularly speak in Churches and at other events and on always open to invitations to  preach and or teach from Scripture, talk about mission, lecture or just help out your church or event.

IMG_20191003_080438We learned a lot from our experience in Peru and both Lori and I are happy to talk about it, what we have learned about global mission and ways that this can help the local church in the UK be involved in mission to its local community and the wider world.


Although no longer the minister of a local church I love preaching and teaching from the Bible. I’ve been involved in preaching regularly to congregations ranging from a few dozen people to several hundred. Having led a church of over two hundred members for over a decade I’ve been intimately involved with leading change and helping the church discern vision.  I’ve led Church Weekends, taken funerals, weddings and retreat days.

In addition to my involvement with the training centre in Nauta, I’ve been involved as an Associate Tutor for Northern Baptist College; helping ministers in training and others interested in learning about church leadership. This has included teaching modules in Pastoral Care for lay pastors and preachers, sessions on working with teams for the Baptist Leadership Program and helping students think about ordination and induction.

I’ve had experience as a Charity Trustee and of moderating the Baptist Union of Great Britain’s finance committee and I’m always happy to chat about strategy, finance and governance.

So if you think I might be able to help, please get in touch using the contact form on this site or by emailing revneilbrighton (at)

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