Bridging Covid transitions

Navigating change is a skill. A skill we will need as we emerge from Covid lockdowns. The world has changed, and we need to learn to live in it again. The ‘transition bridge’ idea is sometimes used to help mission workers. Although based on David Pollock’s book about Third Culture Kids the ideas are a... Continue Reading →

Blizzard, winter, ice age?

One minute you watch a weather system approaching, the next you are suddenly caught up in it. The last two months haven’t been about the weather but lots of things have arrived in a confusing and disorientating way. I’ve not had a chance to blog but hope this and the next blog give some insight... Continue Reading →

Preparing for Coronavirus Covid 19

Over the last week or so I’ve spent some time thinking about how Latin Link in Britain and Ireland might prepare and adapt to the spread of this Coronavirus over the next few months. In doing so I’ve come across a range of resources that may be of use to others. Risk management is about... Continue Reading →

2014 Gender Stats, good news for Baptists?

Project 3:28 have published their latest research into gender balance among the speaker teams of UK national Christian conferences. In 2014 two conferences had a 50:50 balance, the BUGB Annual Assembly and the Church and Media Conference. Also, notably, the Youth Work summit has been in second place for the last two years with an... Continue Reading →

It is election day, please go and vote

Today is voting day for the European Elections and, if the polls are right UKIP might top the UK poll. I’m mystified by this. I get people wanting to register a protest vote against the main political parties. Before they became a party of government this often worked to the Liberal Democrats' advantage. But why... Continue Reading →

Tragedy of #MH470

Like many people I’ve followed the events of MH370 with interest and sorrow. Sorrow for the family and friends of those on the plane, who still have no idea of what happened and who are living with the enormous strain of this. Interest, because I’ve been fascinated in aircraft since I was a child; when... Continue Reading →

Politics blog – background of MPs

I came across ripped-off Britons  blog post lamenting the decreasing number of MPs from manual work backgrounds and the rise of those from who were political organisers before they became MPs. This also linked to a report  produced by the House of Commons library giving more details for those elected in 2010 and breaking them... Continue Reading →

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